
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Looking Back on Five Years of TTT

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY TOP TEN TUESDAY! When I first decided to start blogging more seriously I was looking for some other book blogs and I of course came across The Broke and the Bookish. Top Ten Tuesday was my first ever meme and the first time I felt like part of this community.

1.) Top Ten Unusual Character Names 
This was my first ever TTT and I also think it was really fun. It was one of the first times I heard about the Throne of Glass series too. I'd kind of like to revisit it because I have some crazy new names that need to be on this list.

2.) Top Ten Fantasy Worlds I Wouldn't Want to Live In (and others about fantasy worlds)
I included maps in this one and that got me very excited. Plus I seriously would not want to visit many fantasy worlds and I really like seeing everyone's answers.

3.) Top Ten Characters Who Deserve Their Own Books
I love secondary characters and there are some that I would love nothing more than to see a book from their perspective. Aint nobody got time for a Christian Grey book but one about The Marauders, yes please.

4.) Top Ten Cover Trends I Love
I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover but sometimes a girl can't help herself. I loved being able to talk about all the pretties and look at all the pretties and admire all the pretties.

5.) Top Ten Fantasy Books I'm Suprised I Haven't Read
I was really nervous about this one. There is so many great and classic fantasy that I haven't read but want to read. I did however love this topic because I found out I'm not alone in the fact that I haven't read a lot of these books.

6.) Top Ten Bookish Confessions
This spurred a discussion video, back when I was still trying the BookTube thing where I mentioned why I like spoilers. It was a fun post to write and a fun video to make

7.) Top Ten Things About Romance I Like/Don't Like aka Thoughts On Romance
I'm the kind of person who doesn't need romance in their books. In fact I've even had some books ruined for me because I didn't like the romance that much. This prompt gave me he opportunity to vent a little bit.

Any time there is a freebie I basically use it to talk about one of my favorite things, the Heroes Journey. I really enjoy talking about reluctant heroes and characters with redemptive arcs so I love freebies.

This was fun because it made me think about all the characters that I would relate to and all the characters I would want to be friends with in real life. Another one I wish I could revisit too.

Speaking of revisiting. I seriously loved this category and thinking about all my favorite books as a kid that I want to reread. And after reading an amazing retelling of Anne of Green Gables I have to add that to the list.

Honorable Mention
Top Ten Fantasy Reads for Fans of Crossovers

What are your favorite Top Ten Tuesdays? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Characters at my lunch table and thoughts on romance were great! I'd like to do the unusual character names.

    Check out my TTT and Unpopular Opinions Tag.

  2. Oh nice! I liked the last two topics on your list as well! Those were fun!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Awesome list! My blog is still a baby (less than a year old) so a lot of these topics are brand new to me. I love looking at everyone's topics over the years.

  4. I really like the things I don't like about romance topic! There are so many good ones that I'd love to do sometime!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  5. I'll have to go check out your bookish confessions - that sounds like to much fun! And I had forgotten about the books from my childhood post, but I loved that one too!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
