
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Ships I Do Not Ship

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Wow, this should have been an easy prompt for me. I like unlikeable characters. But as I started making a list it was hard to think about which characters are popular because I have such a skewed view of this. But then I got a better idea. I'm nervous about telling you the ships I don't ship though. I have a feeling you are all going to hate me when you see some of these. But remember I have a cold romancephobic heart. Please don't hate me. And also all of these are canon. I though there are some non-canon ships that I don't get but these are just the canon ones.

1.) Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I know I have talked about this one before but, don't get it. I will never get it. Mr. Rochester is not a romantic hero. He locked his wife in the attic and then hit on his employee. Not okay or romantic. Creepy and rude!

2.) Christine Daae and the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
Speaking of creepy and rude. Now I do think that the Phantom is a tragic hero and when I read this as a 20 year old I thought he was so sweet for letting her be happy without him. But now I'm in my 30's and think he is basically a stalker and kidnapper.

3.) Paige and Warden in The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
(My Review)
I like Warden, I do. I like that he is a revolutionary who is going against his people because of their unfair treatment of humans but I don't think him and Paige should be a couple. Friends, allies, partners sure. But no kissing.

4.) Aileana & Kiaran in The Falconer by Elizabeth May
(My Review)
See above. When I read The Falconer for most of the book I shipped the other side of this triangle but then even that fizzled. I like Kiaran but I just do not feel any shipping feels when I think about him and Aileana.

5.) Agnieska and the Dragon in Uprooted by Naomi Novik
(My Review)
See above (and well #1 too). Don't get me wrong, I liked the banter here but this was a slowburn and an enemies to more that I didn't love. The real relationship in this book is the female friendship between Nieska and Kasia. I could do without the romance between the Dragon.

6.) Fayre and Tamlin in A Court and Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
(My Review)
Okay, so long story short I don't like Beauty and the Beast style romances. This list makes that abundantly clear. But I know most people liked the sexy times here and I was like "hey what about Rhysand and also the mystery."

7.) Celaena and Rowan in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
(My Review)
While we're on the subject of SJM. I was a hardcore Chaoleana through most of this series. Like I loved Dorian but not with Celeana. Then the fandom switched but now I'm can't do it guys. I'm not Team Chaol anymore though. Now I'm just Team Celaena. I'm warming up to Rowan but I'm not there yet.

8.) Elias and Laia in An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
(My Review)
People ship this right? We're supposed to ship this, right? I do not ship this though. It felt kind of insta-lovey for me and I couldn't get behind it. I shipped Elias and Helena for awhile but now I'm just luke warm about the romance in this book.

9.) Anna and Etienne St. Clair in Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
(My Review)
Speaking of lukewarm. I know everyone is all about this series and this ship. I'm not. I was definitely a black sheep on this one. I liked it but it didn't blow me away and my disconnect with the romance may have been one of the reasons.

10.) Tiger Lily and Peter Pan in Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
(My Review)
This is another book that I liked but wasn't blown away by because of the romance maybe. The general plot of this book is the romance between Peter and Tiger Lily who is seriously pinning for him. And I didn't love that.

There you have it. The romances I do not ship? Do you not ship any of these? Are they your OTPs? Do you hate me now? What romances don't you ship? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I also thought Mr. Rochester was creepy. I haven’t read the others, but I have The Phantom of the Opera sitting on my TBR shelf.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I'm with you on a few of these. I definitely preferred Rhysand over Tamlin, the romance in Uprooted was pretty mediocre, and the relationship in Tiger Lily did nothing for me.

  3. The Anna/Etienne thing kind of made me feel weird bc he stayed with Ellie for so long that it felt super icky. It kind of killed my warm happy feelings about the relationship. I still really loved both characters separately though.

  4. Étienne was on my list. I couldn't swoon over someone who stayed with one girl while keeping another hanging on.

  5. Haha. The Phantom and Christine - you're right. It is kind of creepy. I agree about Anna and the French Kiss. I just didn't get the attraction to that book. It wasn't anything spectacular.

  6. I'm team Chaol through and through. He's been a jerk but that was a closed minded view for the world he grew up in. He can still change and realize his mistakes and make things work. But with Rowan around and so well loved that's not going to happen. :/ My TTT

  7. I don't ship Celaena and Rowan or Feyre and Tamlin.
    My TTT:

  8. I never could get into The Bone Season myself. I DNF it so early on! I don't think I even met the romantic interest! Though I did like the relationship in ACOTAR! While I loved Tiger Lily, I never really got behind the relationship with Peter. It just didn't mesh with me, but I guess that could also be due to all the other Peter Pan movies and books I've seen/read. Still, really loved that book though!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. I loved the Phantom of the Opera so, so much in my teens. But I agree, as an adult, it's all just a little too creepy!

    My TTT.

  10. I was going to read Uprooted based on all the hype when it came out but I just couldn't get into that relationship- guy makes her come to his tower and they fall in love- I'm sure it's more complicated than that but didn't see the appeal. I actually started it but wasn't crazy about it.

  11. I totally agree with you about Jane Eyre! My TTT

  12. Noooo! I loved the Phantom when I was 16 and I love him when I'm pushing 30!! (I guess we can still be friends though.) I also really love Feyre and Tamlin, but I'm willing to wait and see what happens with Rhysand before I decide who I love most. Amazing list!!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  13. Haha! You make me laugh. Jane Eyre is really bizarre, I agree! Just haven't really thought about it for a while! You have mentioned a few on my TBR so I'll come back to this list to see if I agree! Great list!

  14. In defense of Mr. Rochester you couldn't get a divorce back then unless you were royalty and could cause some sort of ruckus within the church and keeping her in a top floor wing with a private catretaker was far and beyond better than what an insane asylum would have been back then. Plus, he was tricked into marrying her because she was already showing signs of her mother's severe mental illness, but the brother needed the money Mr. Rochester was bringing to the family through marriage to save their property, so he never said a word about it. The woman bit hunks out of people's flesh for goodness sake. It isn't like she could even function as any sort of companion. I felt he had every right to get on with his life, especially seeing he was having her taken care of the best way possible for the situation. :)

  15. I love Jane Eyre, but I don't like Rochester either. Also I really like Paige and the Warden, but not together.

    Check out my TTT.
