
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye

A weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Title: The Crown's Game
Series: The Crown's Game #1
Author: Evelyn Skye
Published: May 14, 2016 by Balthazar + Bray (HarperCollins)

Synopsis: Vika Andreyeva can summon the snow and turn ash into gold. Nikolai Karimov can see through walls and conjure bridges out of thin air. They are enchanters—the only two in Russia—and with the Ottoman Empire and the Kazakhs threatening, the Tsar needs a powerful enchanter by his side.

And so he initiates the Crown’s Game, an ancient duel of magical skill—the greatest test an enchanter will ever know. The victor becomes the Imperial Enchanter and the Tsar’s most respected adviser. The defeated is sentenced to death.

Raised on tiny Ovchinin Island her whole life, Vika is eager for the chance to show off her talent in the grand capital of Saint Petersburg. But can she kill another enchanter—even when his magic calls to her like nothing else ever has?

For Nikolai, an orphan, the Crown’s Game is the chance of a lifetime. But his deadly opponent is a force to be reckoned with—beautiful, whip smart, imaginative—and he can’t stop thinking about her.

And when Pasha, Nikolai’s best friend and heir to the throne, also starts to fall for the mysterious enchantress, Nikolai must defeat the girl they both love . . . or be killed himself.

As long-buried secrets emerge, threatening the future of the empire, it becomes dangerously clear . . . the Crown’s Game is not one to lose.

Why I'm Waiting 

I'm not usually aware of most books until they are late in the publishing process. But every once in awhile I hear about a book when it is just announced. This was one of those books and I instantly knew I needed to read it. So I added it to my TBR over a year ago. And it will finally be out in just a few months and I can't wait!  I've seen some early reviews and a lot of them are super positive so I seriously cannot wait to read it.

I mean this book sounds like a total me book. I'm a huge russophile so any YA set in Russia is something that interests me, especially if it's Tsarist Russia. But then there is the added fact that it is a fantasy with a magical system that sounds like an interesting kind of elemental magic. Plus based on the synopsis I'm guessing there will be some manner of political intrigue which is even more exciting!

Plus everything I learn about this book makes me even more excited. The author, Evelyn Skye, has been doing a great job of spreading the word about the book. She has a great website with character profiles and I'm signed up for her newsletter and a member of The Tsar's Guard which is just people excited about the book. In fact I'm part of The Tsar's Guard Parade and will have a fun post coming in a few weeks.

What about you? What are you waiting for this Wednesday? Are you waiting on The Crown's Game along with me? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I had no idea this was about Russia. It sounds awesome! I read one ARC review of this one that wasn't favorable, though, but hey, that's just one opinion.

    My WoW post.

  2. I really enjoy books set in Russia, especially if it involves the Tsar. I'll have to keep this novel in mind. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm SO excited for this to come out! The hype is unreal. There's something so dreamy and romantic about places set in Russia, and throw in fantasy elements, political intrigue, and a guy named Nikolai (I have a thing for those) and I'm eagerly anticipating this gorgeous novel :)

    My WoW post:

  4. ooh never read a book set in Russia and it sounds great!
    My WoW

  5. I'm reading such good reviews of this one that I can't help but want to read it, too! Great pick!

    my WoW

  6. I love books set in Russia and also can't wait for this one as well!

  7. I am so excited about this book and I can't wait to read it!

    Renee ~ My Wow

  8. Yes yes yes!! So excited about this one too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. I've seen this one a couple times today and it's on my TBR also!! I'm so excited to get a copy! I hope you love it :D

    Here's my WoW!

  10. Yes, looks and sounds like a goodie.
