Author: Kate Forsyth Published: July 7, 2015 by Thomas Dunne Books (Macmillan) (Amazon / Goodreads) Synopsis: Dortchen Wild fell in love with Wilhelm Grimm the first time she saw him. Growing up in the small German kingdom of Hessen-Cassel in early Nineteenth century, Dortchen Wild is irresistibly drawn to the boy next door, the young and handsome fairy tale scholar Wilhelm Grimm. It is a time of War, tyranny and terror. Napoleon Bonaparte wants to conquer all of Europe, and Hessen-Cassel is one of the first kingdoms to fall. Forced to live under oppressive French rule, the Grimm brothers decide to save old tales that had once been told by the firesides of houses grand and small all over the land. Dortchen knows many beautiful old stories, such as 'Hansel and Gretel', 'The Frog King' and 'Six Swans'. As she tells them to Wilhelm, their love blossoms. Yet the Grimm family is desperately poor, and Dortchen's father has other plans for his daughter. Marriage is an impossible dream. Dortchen can only hope that happy endings are not just the stuff of fairy tales. |
You probably know that I love the Kate Forsyth book I read last summer, Bitter Greens. I haven't stopped talking about it since. So I was so excited to read The Wild Girl, and experience more of Forsyth's beautiful historical retellings. And while it didn't quite get to that same level, I really enjoyed this book. The writing is beautiful and lyrical, the plot is heartbreaking and romantic, the characters are complex and likable, and the setting is engaging and dark.

And that happy ending for Dortchen is romance. You know me, I'm so picky on my romance. But here it really did work so well. It was realistic in the best possible way and honestly combined all my favorite romance elements. It started out as a crush but it wasn't instalove, it slowly developed into something more and by the time it got to a serious level it had me hook line and sinker. But even better than that it was forbidden love in the sense that her father didn't approve and despite their desire they couldn't marry. So it was all stolen kisses and midnight rendez-vous. Like everything else in this book, the romance was difficult and I just wanted to smoosh their faces together.
On the whole I absolutely loved The Wild Girl. It took me a little longer to get through and didn't have the same all-engrossing feeling that Bitter Greens gave me. It was definitely darker and didn't have the same magical quality but it had beautiful writing, a fantastic historical setting, great characters, and a wonderful romance.
Buy/Borrow/Bypass: Buy. If you are looking for an adult historical retelling or historical fiction set during the Napoleonic Wars then check out this book. If you are a fan of the Grimm Brothers than I definitely recommend this book. If you read Bitter Greens and enjoyed Kate's dark and dramatic writing then pick this book up.
Have you read The Wild Girl? What did you think? Did you like it as much as Bitter Greens, more, or less? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!
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