Wednesday, January 13, 2016

On Rereads: A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

On Rereads is a monthly feature on My Thoughts Lit where I talk about the books I reread during the month. It's an opportunity to share some new thoughts on a book I read before and usually to prepare for a new release. I'm planning to reread 25 different books during this year so for the foreseeable future I plan to do one - three reread a month so I want to share my thoughts on these books the second time around.

This month I'm starting off slow because I also have a monthly audiobook that I am trying to read so I only have one reread planned for the month and I already read it. It was actually one of my first books I read this year because I listened to it while I drove home after New Years.

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
 (Amazon / Goodreads / AudibleMy Review)

You all probably know that I do themed months here on My Thoughts Literally. This month's theme is time/dimensional travel. I had a library hold on Ten Thousand Skies Above You, the second book in this series and it worked out perfectly because it fit this month's theme. So to prepare for that book, I reread this one.

As usual, I listened to the audio this time around and I'm really glad that I did. The audio for this one was really fantastic. This series is about the main character travelling to different universes within their own consciousness. This takes her to different places as well. The cool thing the narrator did was use different accents for the different worlds so it helped keep things clear and was totally immersive. And yes, some of the accents, like the Russian one, was a little over the top and did get old it was really entertaining.

Plus it was a great refresher for the series. I remembered the basics of the plot but little details escaped me. Details that did in fact come into play in the second book. Plus this was just as good the second time around. It's definitely hard Sci-Fi with a lot of science but it's interesting and addresses a lot of different themes that have to do with time travel or taking over a different person's consciousness. It was a really great read and I'm glad I listened to it again.

That's my one reread for this month. It feels weird to already be posting this. It's usually one of my last posts of the month, not the first. But oh well. Have you reread any books lately? Have you read A Thousand Pieces of You? What did you think? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

(P.S. If you have read A Thousand Pieces of You then definitely check back tomorrow for my review of Ten Thousand Skies Above You)


  1. I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed this one a lot! I got it on sale for my Kindle and I'm thinking of waiting for 3 to come out before binge reading the whole series!

    1. You could read book 1 now and be totally fine but wait for book 3 before starting book 2. My review of Ten Thousand Skies Above You is coming tomorrow but there is a huge cliffhanger and you'll want to wait to marathon those two.
