
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

July Wrap Up and August TBR

Read in July: Mystery

Well, I had a pretty goos month. June wasn't great for me but July was a return to form and I am really happy with my reading this month. In July I read a total of 13 books. Granted, three of them were comics, but still. I had a good reading month. I really enjoyed a lot of them but for the most part they were just kind of middle of the road, pretty good, books. None of them really made a strong impression. They were good, but didn't blow me away.

For challenges, I am doing okay but not as well as I would hope. I decided to go for a Goodreads goal of 100 books for the year and that was a really good decision because I am totally on track for that. In fact I may even finish that in a few month. I'm definitely feeling like 120 is totally doable for the year. But I like being ahead of that challenge and I feel much better about meeting my goals. I am also on track for the Debut Author Challenge of 25 debuts. despite only having read 1 this month. But I read 14 for the year so I should be good for that if I have a really good month. For the Netgalley/Edelweiss Challenge, I read 5 books this months which makes my total 23 for the year. I'm thinking the 36 target as all I'll have to do is read 3 a month until the end of the year. For the Rock My TBR Challenge I read 1 book for that this month towards my goal of 25 for the year bringing my totally up to 9 for the year. I'm definitely behind on this one but I might be able to meet the actual challenge goal of 15. And finally, I did 1 post for the Discussion Challenge, making my total 8 for the year.

The Books
1.) Every Last Lie by Mary Kubica Rating: 8.5 out of 10 [My Review]
2.) Ash and Quill by Rachel CaineRating: 9.5 out of 10 [My Review]
 3.) Sunburn by R.L. Stine Rating 8.5 out of 10 [Podcast Site]
4.) Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter 
Rating: 8.5 out of 10 [My Review]
5.) Final Girls by Riley Sager Rating: 9 out of 10 [My Review]
6.) When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandyha Menon 
Rating: 8 out of 10 [My Review]
7.) Little Monsters by Kara Thomas Rating: 8 out of 10 stars [My Review]
8.) Runaways Vol. 2: Teenage Wasteland by Brian K. Vaughn 
Rating: 8 out of 10 [No Review]
9.) Gotham Academy: Second Semester, Vol. 1: Welcome Back by Brenden 
Fletcher, Becky Cloonan, and Karl Kerschl Rating: 8 out of 10 [Review to Come]
10.) Buried Heart by Kate Elliott Rating: 8.5 out of 10 [My Review]
11.) The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones 
Rating: 8 out of 10 stars [My Review]
12.) Mockingbird Vol. 1: I Can Explain by Chelsea Caine 
Rating: 9 out of 10 [Review to Come]
13.) Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley-Doyle
Rating: 8 out of 10 [My Review]

Other Posts

To Be Read in June: Superheroes

I am so excited for this month's theme. I have been waiting to do this theme and this is the absolute perfect time with some of the review books I have planned for this month. If you didn't know, I am a huge fan of books about superheroes. I love comics, I love novels about superheroes, doesn't matter. They are usually really action-packed plot driven reads and have this fun characterization and themes that explore the idea of good and evil. Basically all things I love. So needless to say, I am very excited about this theme. 

Books for Review

The Rattled Bones by  S.M. Parker- Add to Goodreads
I'm reading this right now. It's not about superheroes and actually fits last month's theme more than this month's but I started it in that month and am finishing it in this month because sometimes that's how it goes.

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee Add to Goodreads
This is a supehero book and it sounds fantastic. Because not only is it about a person who develops powers but it is about a diverse, unlikely person to develop powers.

Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn - Add to Goodreads
I really liked the first book in this series and so I am really excited for the next installment. More killer cupcakes? Yes, please. Also more of Evie and Annie aka Aveda. I'm excited.

Sleeper by Mackenzie Cadenhead - Add to Goodreads
This sounds like a really fantastic book. It seems like an interesting kind of sci-fi read. It's not quite about superheroes but it's giving me superpowers vibes.

Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff - Add to Goodreads
I was planning on reading this last month but I didn't get a chance. But I think Mia is kind of like a superhero. She does have a pretty kickass power.

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo  Add to Goodreads
This is the book that inspired this whole thing. Because the first book in the DC Icons series comes out this month and I am super excited because it's Wonder Woman. And is written by Leigh Bardugo!

Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller  - Add to Goodreads
You had me at fight to become the queen's assassin. Who am I kidding, this book had me before that because it's about a thief. This is seriously my kind of YA fantasy.

Shadowhouse Fall by Daniel Jose Older - Add to Goodreads
I've been wanting to read this series for awhile and after picking up this book at ALA (and the first one too) I think it is time to read it.

Beasts Made of Night by Tochi Oneybuchi Add to Goodreads
I recieved a finish copy of this from the publisher via First to Read. I like never get accepted for those so I was really excited to get one now. Especially because this books sounds amazing!

The Dire King by William Ritter- Add to Goodreads
Maybe one day I will stop raving about how much I love this series. This is not that day. Because I lost my ability to even when I unboxed this book. I cannot wait to read it.

Little and Lion by Brandy Colbert - Add to Goodreads
Not sure if I will get to this book but it comes out next week and sounds really interesting. It might be a nice change of pace for me as it is not my usual kind of read.

Sasquatch, Love, and Other Imaginary Things by Betsy Aldridge and Carrie DuBois-Shaw - Add to Goodreads
This is also not like my usual read but it looks like a fun contemporary that I might read if I need something a little different. 

Backlist Books

I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest - Add to Goodreads
I have been wanting to read this book for a very long time. I finally bought myself a copy a few months ago as birthday present to myself and as it fits this theme I am totally reading it.

Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older - Add to Goodreads
I finally have a copy of this book as well so I am finally going to read it. I've heard good things and it sounds like a book I would love.

There you have it. Some of the books I hope to read in July. As always, these are subject to change. I may read all of these or I may only read a few and then read a bunch of different ones. But honestly I think this list I can stick to. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to read Rachel Caine's series but I haven't had the time to pick up her books. Your TBR looks absolutely fantastic, so many books I want to read as well :)
    Best of luck.
    Aneta @ Angelic Book Reviews
