Title: Red Queen Series: Red Queen #1 Author: Victoria Aveyard Published: February 10, 2015 by HarperTeen (Amazon / Goodreads) Synopsis: Graceling meets The Selection in debut novelist Victoria Aveyard's sweeping tale of seventeen-year-old Mare, a common girl whose once-latent magical power draws her into the dangerous intrigue of the king's palace. Will her power save her or condemn her? Mare Barrow's world is divided by blood—those with common, Red blood serve the Silver- blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities. Mare is a Red, scraping by as a thief in a poor, rural village, until a twist of fate throws her in front of the Silver court. Before the king, princes, and all the nobles, she discovers she has an ability of her own. To cover up this impossibility, the king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard—a growing Red rebellion—even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. One wrong move can lead to her death, but in the dangerous game she plays, the only certainty is betrayal. |
**** I received an advance copy of this book from an On the Same Page ARC tour.This fact has not changed my opinion of the book. ****
Red Queen is the kind of book that finished so strong I almost forgave it for having a rather slow beginning. There is so much hype surrounding this one and I was really excited to read it. Maybe the hype monster got the best of me but I wasn't as blown away as I thought I would be. It had some great parts but on the whole it just felt like every other YA Fantasy that seems to be flooding the market these days (I'm not complaining, YA Fantasies are my kryptonite).
But I think because this is the first book in a new series it had to have a lot of exposition, it had to set up everything, and I get that. You need to build the world. But despite all that setup I felt like the world wasn't completely formed. I'm not sure if it was going for a less is more kind of thing, but it wasn't quite enough for me. Or maybe I wanted more world-building because I found the world and the magical system really fascinating. All the powers that the characters possessed were very cool and any time someone used them it was amazing. Victoria Aveyard's writing was incredibly visual and I could picture each of the character's individual powers. But the fact that I didn't really learn enough about this world, I found myself comparing it to other worlds and magical systems that I did know a lot about, making it come off as slightly predictable. It felt like your average YA Fantasy to me.
The exposition of the world-building and the extremely fast-paced plot also made it hard to connect with the characters. And I definitely never connected with the romance. For me it was a case where I knew what the author wanted me to ship but I just didn't. I'm not really sure I ever connected with the main character, Mare. She was fine and interesting enough, but she just didn't jump off the pages for me. Even when there was a lot of character creation and exposition I felt like I wasn't really getting to know her. There wasn't much character development and I think that really prevented me from loving the story how I wanted to. The only exception was with the villains. The antagonists were phenomenal, both the obvious and not obvious ones. They were snarky, tough, and the kind of people you love to hate. They were the ones who had more character development and seemed more complex and likable to me.
Or maybe I found the antagonists compelling because we are constantly told throughout this book that "anyone can betray anyone." That's a really interesting thing to stress to your audience. And because I was told this, two things happen throughout the book for me. One, it made it even harder to connect fully with any of the secondary characters. I was suspicious of everyone and everything throughout the whole book, never trusting and always doubting. And because I'm so suspicious I end up developing all these crazy theories, that's what I do. And in the case of Red Queen, that was one of the best parts. It really built up the suspense. No, the twists weren't all that surprising because I was thinking too hard about all the ways the characters could betray one another, but they were still incredibly entertaining. I found myself anxious and excited, on the edge of my seat while reading. In particular the last 100 pages when everything gets revealed was so captivating.
Or maybe I liked that ending so much because those last 100 pages were when the political intrigue kicked in. Oh man, this book was full of political intrigue. So much of this world was built on this foundation of oppression and hierarchy. From a revolution that's been brewing, to Mare's position caught between the two worlds, it had a very dystopian feel. And when this part of the story started heating up, that's when I found myself most intrigued and entertained. And that dystopian feel was another thing about the world that I wish was explored a little bit more.
But this is only the start of the series. Despite a lot of criticism I did enjoy the read and am interested in how things develop. If you've been a follower of My Thoughts Literally for awhile you may know that I have a tumultuous relationship with first books. It's rare for me to love them so I avoid passing judgment on a series until I read the second book. This is just another example of my feeling of First Book Syndrome. Good but not mind-blowing. Lots of really great things but with a few things that didn't quite work for me.
I give Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard 8 out of 10
Have you read Read Queen? What did you think? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!
Yeah. I have been seeing lots of threes. People got really excited based on the cover before anyone had read it. I try not to do that, but I guess it proves the cover art is doing its job.
ReplyDeleteI'm so bad at not judging a book by it's cover! The cover is gorgeous and the synopsis sounds great as well. It was good but I was hoping for mind-blowing.
DeleteI have this book to review and I was really hoping this was going to be out of this world. Doesn't sound bad but not particularly amazing. I guess I have to wait and see what I think. Great review! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you love is Jazmen. I know a lot of people have. The ending was phenomenal though so keep reading!
DeleteOOh nice review! I have been seeing some mixed results on this one, but the general consensus does seem to say it's a good read! I'm looking forward to it myself! The cover is just gorgeous too! Great review!
ReplyDeleteI hope you like it Jessica. That's definitely what I would say, a good read despite some criticism.
DeleteYeah there has been a lot of hype with this one. I am excited for it, but I am glad you gave me a heads up about the beginning. I guess if the ending is as good as you say, then it makes up for it. :)
ReplyDeleteThe ending did make up for the slow beginning a lot. I hope you read it and enjoy it! It's definitely an enjoyable one.
DeleteI'm so glad to see a thorough and honest review for this book. The hype really got me. Even though it seems like an ordinary YA fantasy, I'm still excited to read it. Thanks for the honest review! Totally prepared me for whenever I finally get to read this!
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you enjoyed my honest review and that I could help. I sometimes worry I will talk people out of reading it and I almost never want to do that! I'm glad you're more prepared and that you're still going to read it. I hope you enjoy it, I did.
DeleteI've been seeing this everywhere! Thank you for you review! Made me decide I'm gonna read it!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're going to read it. Even though it didn't blow me away I still liked it. I hope you also enjoy it.