This book, this book right here, ruined me! It seriously ruined me. Every single human emotion that is possible I felt in this book. I was angry, happy, sad, scared, and confused. Sometimes all at the same time. The book was so good that when I was finished it left me so emotionally scarred that I went to a meeting an hour early because I couldn't focus on reality. But then when I read this book there was no reality, only Westeros.
And in the land called Westeros there is a power struggle
for control after the previous ruling family (House Targaeryn) was overthrown
and exiled in a rebellion lead by some of our heroes. There's been about
fifteen years of relative peace but in Book 1 in the series, A Game of Thones,
all hell breaks loose and the power struggle becomes the main plot point. It's
not your typical high fantasy world where magic is incredibly important to not
only the story but power, in this world you derive your power from military
strength and your connections. That being said, the world-building is amazing.
The land as well as each character has an incredible mythology and detailed
back stories that really immerse you into this world and make it feel so real.
For me when I'm reading these books the world of Westeros is all I can think
about. I relate it to things I see or hear in my every day like and I make
references to it constantly. I haven't felt this obsessed with a world since
Harry Potter, but it's that engrossing.
But in addition to some new characters our old favorites are
back as well. The best part about these characters is that they pretty much all
of them change drastically throughout the series. Many of them experience these
terrible life-changing events and have intense character arcs because of what they experience. Throughout the series your opinion of them changes more often than they do. To
express this point I offer up three of my favorite characters as examples.
First is Daenarys, the last surviving member of House Targaryean. When we first
meet her she is exiled to the Free Cities in Essos and being sold to a
terrifying Horse Lord for his army of soldiers. She is scared and meek and the
idea of her taking back Westeros is hard to believe but as the series goes on
she becomes this hardened leader who conquers cities, plus the fact that she
rehatched some dragons doesn't hurt to make her more of a badass. Then there is
Sansa Stark. She is the daughter of the ruler of the North and is your typical
girly girl obsessed with pretty things, stories about knights, and marrying a
prince. But she has a harsh reality check and learns that those are just
make-believe. She sort of becomes the scapegoat for a lot of people and is very
harshly treated but she has this quiet strength about it all. In this book she
really takes matters into her own hands and ends up getting what she wants on
her own terms (there's some debate about this but if you want I will debate
you). Finally we have Jamie Lannister. When we first meet him he is a cocky
knight who is best known for breaking his oath and killing the previous king
(everyone calls him Kingslayer as a sneering nickname) who is in love with his
twin sister (the queen) and is kind of a jerk. But in this book he has a
life-altering experience and he kind of finds his honor and keeps his snark
which makes me totally love him. And those are just a few of the characters and
their redemptive arcs.
In general these characters are so different and so complex
that is hard to downright hate them. Besides the fact that they often redeem
themselves as the series goes on, even the most evil and villainous characters
in the series you love to hate. Plus pretty much all of them are vicious,
nasty, and manipulative jerks that are trying to take seize or keep their
power. Most people are only out for their own interests and are playing the
"game of thrones" for their personal gain even when it seems like
they're doing it for someone else. And because every character seems to be
playing the game you spend a lot of time trying to suss out their motivations
and what their actions will lead to down the road. Remember this is a world
where the main plot point is the constant struggle to take control of this
country, at one point there are five people claiming to be the kings and three
of them stating they are the rightful kings of Westeros. Because of this the
book is full of political intrigue. There is tons of plotting, scheming,
backstabbing, backdoor deals, and offers to scratch each other's back for their
own personal gain. It's an over-exaggerated
example of what really does happen in politics.
However this power struggle doesn't only take place within
the politics of the capital. This is a world of death and destruction. There are
rebels trying to take control and battles being fought all over the country.
This is definitely the most action-packed of the series. It's full of
sword-fights, one-on-one battles to the death, castle sieges, and murder. So
much murder! This is not a series for the faint of heart. More than one main
characters does not make it out of A Storm of Swords. The expression "kill
your darlings" is an understatement when it comes to George R.R. Martin.
He really likes to remind his readers that absolutely no one is safe in this
world and there is no such thing as a happy ending.
But fear not fans of tradition fantasy this is also a land
of magic and wonder. As the series goes on more magic seeps back into the
world. Part of the mythology of this world deals with magical elements like
dragons, frozen zombies, people with the ability to dream that they are inside
the body of animals and even invade their bodies. There is even a religious
orders with the ability to bring people back to life, see into the future
through flames, and kill people with shadows. These magical elements make some
of the most entertaining chapters and make characters that were slightly dull
to begin with or on their own way more cool because of the magic they are able
to witness and perform. Some of my favorite characters have associations with
the magic of this world. But the magic is as much a part of the plot as the
violence. There are a host of prophecies and stories that have been foretold
that directly relate to some of the characters and as a reader you cannot help
but speculate about who they are referring to and where the story is going.
And boy things are really going somewhere in this book. A
Storm of Swords is the most action-packed of the series. The book is over 1100 words
long and by far the longest book that I have read to date but nothing in this
book was dull. What tends to happen in this series is that it takes awhile for
the book to get rolling but not A Storm of Swords. It was non-stop energy and
excitement and I couldn't stop reading. Just when I thought things were slowing
down for a character or I thought I had figured out where the characters was
going George R.R. Martin reminded me that he is completely in control of this
story and would throw a plot twist or surprise out of absolutely nowhere. I
spent the last third of the book in complete shock about what was happening. If
you've seen season 3 of Game of Thrones, you only know the half of it, and I
don't mean that just because they only used half of the book.
But as fabulous as this book was, it was not entirely
perfect. Many people criticize GRRM for the fact that he takes way too much
time explaining things like banquets, clothing, locations, and people making it
repetitive and feel longer than it is, but in my opinion this leads to the
sweeping epic feel of the story. My criticism is that are some issues with the
pacing because all the stories move at different speeds. It is not a perfect
timeline of events and there is not an even amount of chapters from each point
of view or location. So some characters will be the narrator for a lot of
chapters and be involved in the chapters of others while some characters only
appear in the few chapters that they narrate. In A Storm of Swords there are so many people
and so much going on that things get very muddled. You'll get a chapter for
someone you haven't heard from in awhile like Arya or Theon and find yourself
thinking, "where are they and what are they doing?" It gets hard to
keep track of the insane amount of characters that populate this world.
But I can forgive these pacing problems because the story is
so entertaining and thrilling. This is by far my favorite book in what is
quickly becoming one of my favorite series. It is a detailed and interesting
world full of magic, complex and complicated characters and compelling themes,
plot points, and mysteries.
I give A Storm of Swords a 9 out of 10
I definitely recommend this series who is a fan of fantasy,
adventure stories, book with complicated characters, or action-packed
violence. If you have read this series
or plan to read this series please leave me a comment. I love talking about
this series and speculating about how it will end. This series is very complex
and I love talking about my theories and hearing other peoples. SO, please let's
chat. If you haven't read this series, you definitely should.
SOS is a great book. It is definitely one of the stronger books in the series.