I am the kind of person who reads a lot of mysteries and/or books with mystery and crazy plot twists. And because I read a lot of books with mystery, I have a tendency to figure out the twists pretty early. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty good book detective. This doesn't always ruin the book for me, but there has been a few times where this has happened. And a lot of times solving the twist makes me wonder how to respond. SO I present to you the five stages of solving twists and how you can respond.
1.) Denial
Obviously this is the stage where you think that you couldn't possibly have figured out the twist this early. Less than 100 pages in and you already solved it? No. It's a red herring, it's a harebrained theory without any real merit. You're just guessing. It's something else, you're sure of it. There's a lot of doubt here and you're thinking things like "no way," and "absolutely not, it wouldn't be this easy."
How to Respond: Just keep reading. You could be right, or you could be wrong and it's just an offhanded thought and/or a red herring. Often I'll just have this random thought where I'm like "that's probably the murderer" without any real proof. When I'm in the denial stage it's easy to convince myself that I should keep reading. If for no other reason then to find clues to verify that I'm right.
2.) Anger
How to Respond: Well at this stage you have two options. You can DNF. And honestly if you are legitimately angry at a book or a character then you should probably DNF it. You're just going to get more angry and resentful if you don't. But you can also keep reading. If you do decide there are some redeeming qualities about this book then keep reading. But I would suggest putting it down for a few days. Take a break so you don't actually hulk out.
3.) Betrayal
How to Respond: Again you can either DNF or you can keep reading. If you are feeling betrayed at the author then I would suggest DNFing. Similar to anger, you will only get more annoyed. But if you are in the mad at yourself kind of betrayal, that's actually a good thing. Sure you figured it out but if it took you this long then it's actually pretty good. You should keep reading, again maybe take a break and cool off to see if you are interested in the book still.
4.) Depression
How to Respond: Well at this phase it's kind of too late to DNF. You've gone this long you may as well finish. You're probably wishing you had DNF'd but you didn't so stop crying and finishing the book. But seriously, I would suggest at this stage to just skim until the ending. You don't need to search for clues, just verification that you were indeed correct all along.
5.) Acceptance
How to Respond: Celebrate! Honestly you feel so much better about figuring out a twist when your response is to celebrate. Jump in the air and shout "I KNEW IT!" Perhaps you should laugh maniacally, pump your fist in the air like your football team just scored a touchdown. Get excited! You have superior intellect, you are good at solving mysteries. Yeah, it's kind of a bummer that the book didn't shock you but maybe that's not a bad thing. For me some really great mysteries are solvable with clues that help me figure it out along the way. The problem comes when you reach acceptance and there's still half the book left!
So there you have it, my feelings on solving twists and the five stages of grief associated with solving them! Have you experienced any of these? Do you DNF if you figure the twist out reall early in the book? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!
Haha. I love this post. I am completely naive and almost never figure out plot twists or mysteries in books, so I always celebrate if I end up being right because it's so rare. I guess it's kind of good that I can't figure it out. It sounds like your reading would be more enjoyable if you didn't always figure out the twists right away.
ReplyDeleteHaha, you should always celebrate if you get the twist right, even if it's rare. It's definitely more enjoyable when I don't figure it out but I'm such a cocky little jerk sometimes that I love when I get things right too.
DeleteOh god, this is me too! It's so hard to surprise me in a book. I always worry that it sounds snobby when I say that, but I'm just, for whatever reason, good at putting the pieces together. I'm always so excited when either (a) the twist I expected wasn't totally certain but it happens and it's satisfying or (b) I'm wrong.
Sarcasm & Lemons
I'm so glad I'm not alone in this! I feel like I sound like a pretentious jerk when I'm like "oh I always solve the twists, I'm so smart" but it's the truth most of the time. I'm actually not usually excited when I'm wrong but I am excited when I'm surprised. I hate being wrong as much as I love being right.
DeleteYes to all of those stages. You described perfectly what it's like to figure out the twist, haha! Usually I push through to finish the book, because I want to see if I am right, and because I don't like to DNF books. How I feel though usually depends. Sometimes I think I know what the twist is and I like to celebrate when I'm right! I really do yell "I KNEW IT!" too. ;-) But other times I get angry or bored. I think it depends on the rest of the story - if I'm still enjoying it and the writing and the characters, then it's okay. But if I'm not connecting with the story or characters, then predicting the twist just makes it more frustrating.
ReplyDeleteI usually don't like DNFing books either. And it's honestly not figuring out the twist that will do it for me. But I do sometimes get angry and board. I think the shouting "I KNEW IT" (which I also do all the time) makes me feel much better about the whole situation.
DeleteLove this!! I do this ALL THE TIME and thought I was all alone.